Section 1: Purpose
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, an amendment essential to the success of our Republic, enshrines the right of the American people to speak freely in the public square without Government interference.
Over the last 4 years, the previous administration trampled free speech rights by censoring Americans’ speech on online platforms, often by exerting substantial coercive pressure on third parties, such as social media companies, to moderate, deplatform, or otherwise suppress speech that the Federal Government did not approve.
Under the guise of combatting “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation”, the Federal Government infringed on the constitutionally protected speech rights of American citizens across the United States in a manner that advanced the Government’s preferred narrative about significant matters of public debate. Government censorship of speech is intolerable in a free society.
Section 2: Policy
It is the policy of the United States to:
(a) secure the right of the American people to engage in constitutionally protected speech;
(b) ensure that no Federal Government officer, employee, or agent engages in or facilitates any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen;
(c) ensure that no taxpayer resources are used to engage in or facilitate any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen; and
(d) identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to censorship of protected speech.
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 20, 2025

Eine Executive Order (EO) ist ein Befehl des US-Präsidenten, der Verwaltungsmaßnahmen oder politische Entscheidungen ohne Zustimmung des Kongresses durchführt. Sie betrifft oft die Ausführung von Gesetzen oder die Verwaltung von Bundesbehörden.
- Gerichte: Der Oberste Gerichtshof kann sie für verfassungswidrig erklären.
- Kongress: Kann durch neue Gesetze eine EO ändern oder blockieren.
- Künftiger Präsident: Kann die EO seines Vorgängers aufheben oder ändern.
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